I think this month will be extremely difficult with the holidays. I obviously plan to take it one day at a time, one moment at a time. I am trying to focus on my path, which in my mind means looking back at my mistakes and forgiving myself for the things I have done wrong but also taking one step forward and feeling strength in that forward movement. But it is hard to not feel guilt for the many, many mistakes I have made. The writing is therapeutic though. I love to write, and haven't been able to get words to flow like this since college. It is like verbal diarrhea in the way of therapy. And it is propelling me forward.
I also plan to see a therapist. She just called me this morning. She was recommended by a friend, and she sounds lovely. Apparently, many therapists are slammed right now during Covid, which makes sense.
My friend also told me about https://herrenproject.org. This was created during covid, and I think I may check out one of their online meetings. I also joined a few Facebook groups and have been finding comfort there. I also downloaded the app "I am sober," which allows you to anonymously post and share your feelings. It also counts your sober days.
These are the books I am currently devouring as well...
"Mrs. D is Going Without," by Lotta Dana
"The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober," by Catherine Gray
"We Are the Luckiest," by Laura McKowen
"The Sober Diaries," by Clare Pooley
